Work like a captain. Party like a pirate.
From Y2k to Web3 we’ve stayed relevant
From the ‘analog era’ in 1999 when Praxis was founded, to machine learning, artificial intelligence & virtual reality, we’ve stayed relevant till date…because neither humans have changed, nor their desire for stories. Only the mediums have multiplied. We address human emotions from a thriving ecosystem of diverse touchpoints. Transforming spaces into engagement areas. Crafting thumb-stopping content. Converting data into success stories. Powering brands to capture emotion.
Insightful is Impactful
Praxis means the practicing of an art or skill. We at Praxis have sharpened our storytelling skills to be more personalized, relatable, memorable, insightful and thought-provoking. We discuss human behavior first, then tie in the brand’s offering to navigate them through the customer journey.
From Mind. To Heart. To Cart
Communication must be simple yet impactful. Stopping you at your tracks to take notice and ponder. Occupy a spot in your mind, find a special place in your heart and eventually influence you to buy the product. This is nutshell-ed in our slogan: From mind. To heart. To cart.
Every Brand has the Potential to be a Magnum Opus.
Our services are focused on your growth, irrespective of your brand size, industry, or the phase of your journey. Having worked with regional brands, international brands and legacy brands, Praxis has created successes out of each. The objective is clear – we grow together.
The Scientific Side of Art
The Praxian Methodology centers around research & collaboration. Data sharpens our pencils, analytics augment our intent, insights fuel our creativity and brainstorming articulates our vision. Marketing is an evolving landscape, but our passion, focus on human truth and will to evoke remain constant.
Our Team
Abhinaya Chandramohan
Content Writer
TV Fanatic
Abhinaya Chandramohan
Sohail Khan
Senior Accountant
Adventurous Camper
Sohail Khan
Faisal NH
Graphics Guru
Aspiring Artist
Faisal NH
Arun Balagopal
Creative Director
Behind the Lens
Arun Balagopal
Aashray Swarup
Account Manager
Billiards Freak
Aashray Swarup
Mohd. Adil
Head of Studio and Production
Cricket Champion
Mohd. Adil
Amit Joshi
Art Director.
Football Junkie
Amit Joshi
Amitabh Swarup
Commander in Chief
Golf Addict
Amitabh Swarup
Being Praxian Means...

Be a Sport...
You’ll find us jumping into a vocally and physically demanding ‘gully-cricket’ series in the middle of a brainstorming session. Or playing football. And yes, we do have a dartboard with ample space to stick mug-shots of your ‘favourite’ person.
You Scratch Mine. I Scratch Yours.
Inclusivity is an exclusivity every Praxian is provided with, having a creative flair and say in all aspects. We thrive on an open platform that believes in sharing, discussing and evolving irrespective of the department or brief.
There Are Better Things to Do at Night.
Offline Is a Wonderful Thing.
Life inspires. Not Google. We believe in stepping out of the office and going on a tryst with life in its many forms. While we would like to maintain a tone of professionalism and say that this helps us observe behavior and trends, frankly, we’re just taking a break from what is and moving towards what could be.
The Underwear Awards.
Our in-house awards dedicated to the bazillion ideas that have given us innumerable pleasurable sensations… but have remained only ideas because of people on the other side of the table. It’s those big ideas that we honor every year. It’s like this – only you know how you feel in your favorite underwear.
No Food. No Army.
From those who blog about every morsel they taste to those who don’t even mind what they’re eating as long as it tastes good, food forms an intrinsic part of our culture. It’s a simple equation. If it’s ‘food for thought’ and ‘a penny for your thoughts’, then it’s definitely food that starts off the whole process.